Monday, April 20, 2009

Harvard or Glamour?

Is it just me or is there something really odd about getting an email from Harvard Medical School with a pitch around getting in shape for summer????

-----Original Message-----
From: Harvard Medical School []
Sent: Monday, April 20, 2009 2:32 PM
Subject: Get in Shape for Summer and Save

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Harvard Health Publications -- Harvard Medical School


Dear Valued Customer,

It’s not too early to start getting in shape for the warm summer months ahead.
So for a limited time only, we’re offering a
25% discount on three of our
best-selling Harvard Special Health Reports.

Whether you want to lose a few pounds or need to start — or step up — your exercise routine, there’s a Harvard Special Health Report to help you do just that. The experts at Harvard Medical School provide sensible strategies to eat healthfully and still lose weight, plus exercise programs for mature adults, beginners, or those who want to try new workouts.

You can save 25% on these popular reports:

Healthy Solutions to Lose Weight and Keep It Off

Exercise: A program you can live with

Workout Workbook: 9 complete workouts to help you get fit and healthy

To start getting in shape and enjoy 25% savings on these reports, visit the
Harvard Health Publications Web site today and enter promo code
SHAPE25 at checkout.


Ed Coburn
Publishing Director
Harvard Health Publications